Still, if you like sacrilegious crossovers, then why not try the next entry on our list of the best Sonic ROM hacks… 9. It’s Sonic 1 with a twist that should keep die-hard Sega fans happy. Heck, it’s even got new playable characters and guest stars Kirby for those extra mash-up feels! This game might look similar to the original at first glance, but it features all new zones and music for you groove along to. That’s right after sneaking into Robotnik’s lab and nicking a load of parts, he builds Metal Sonic to save the day. If you’re a big fan of the first Sonic the Hedgehog game but know it like the back of your hand, then you need Tails and his homemade Metal Sonic touch. He should get a chance to shine more often! 10. Ok, so it isn’t the most adventurous mod, but it’s nice to see Tails in the limelight for a change. We’re talking rings, star emblems, and mixed up levels that compliment both Mazza’s and Sonic’s worlds.
T64R has five unique levels with new collectibles to… well, collect. It’s not exactly a direct character replacement though.
This is the revamped sequel for an SM64 mod called Super Tails 64. There’s no prizes for guessing which game this is based on. Tails 64: Revamped kickstarts this list of the best Sonic ROM hacks of all time!