Upon using low-level emulation, it allows for greater accuracy and compatibility throughout. User reviews and videos of play seem good and recommended. Audio is still not engaged but the game playing is fine. It considers and welcomes any user who wants to try and develop the project. XQEMU – Best Xbox Emulator For PCĪnother open source project and still in development stages. You can download it from its Github page. Goes roughly sometimes but with good graphics cards like Radeon 9200 and GeForce FX, the output would be smooth and enjoyable. But the user reviews and gameplay is good. It only runs the Halo – an action genre game and none. Which is too discontinued a long back but one of the finest emulators in its space. You can check its compatibility list here – 2. Its current product Cxbx Reloaded which is a fork of its parent Cxbx has been in full swing for Xbox games since 2016 and with supportive reviews. Where Dxbx too discontinued since 2011 but ok.
It’s subsidiary launches including Dxbx and Cxbx Reloaded. See also 10 Best Coke and Popcorn Alternatives